

BENGglas® is recognized by renowned media.
Discover all the latest developments and innovations surrounding BENGglas®.

BENGglas® is helping to build Het Blok on Net 5! Episode 34

BENGglas® is helping to build Het Blok on Net 5! Episode 33

BENGglas® for renovation of the Woldzigt mill

Vacuum glass BENGglas® is conquering the market

There is no need to shiver from the cold in your monumental house. Myth that you can't adjust anything

Entrepreneurial family gets vacuum glass from China: 'no brainer' for the renovation market

Une Brique Dans le Ventre

' BENGglas™ highlighted in the category ''New products and trends from Batibouw 2024''

''BENGglas® at Batibouw - emerging innovations''

"The only thing more fun than winning is winning together"

''BENGglas® joins Stroomversnelling''

''First: the largest vacuum glass in the world!''

Vacuum glass roof light: Ug value 0.36 W/m2K

BENGglas™ during the 2023 construction fair

Ultra-thin vacuum glass with the highest insulation value for home sustainability

Ultra-thin vacuum glass with the highest insulation value for home sustainability

BENGglas® - nomination BouwBeurs Awards ''smart and efficient''

BENGglas® nominated for BouwBeurs Awards

''Better glass in existing window frames''

Vacuum glass: 'BENGglas® - the best insulating glass in the world'