

Reports strengthen our credibility. On our website you will find recognized testing agencies, detailed technical drawings, installation and warranty conditions, information about subsidies and reporting codes.


Array (0 => Array ('Title' => '', 'Downloads_list' => Array (0 => Array ('File' => Array ('ID' => 56820, 'ID' => 56820, 'Title' => 'Evidence of Performance U value -' =>> =>> =>> =>> =>> =>> =>> =>> =>> Fortame 'IFT-NACHWEIS-EN674-ISO-19916-1-UTRA-CLEAR-ENG.PDF', 'FILESIZE' => 448686, 'URL' => '', 'Link' =>>>> ',' alt '=>' ',' Author '=>' 16 ',' Description '=>' ',' Caption '=>' iLtra-nachweis- (ENG)', 'name' => 'ift-nachweis-en674-iso-19916-1-ultra-clear-eng', 'status' => 'inherit', 'uploaded_to' => 5640, 'date' => '2025-03-25 11:08:33', 'modified' => '2025-03-25 11:08:54', 'menu_order' => 0, 'Mime_Type' => 'Application/PDF', 'Type' => 'Application', 'Subtype' => 'PDF', 'Icon' => '', " 'File' => Array ('ID' => 56821, 'ID' => 56821, 'Title' => 'Evidence of Performance U-Value-Bengglas Single Coated', 'Filename' => 'IFF-NACHWEIS-EN674-ISO-ISO.PDDDLDD 'url' => '', 'Link' =>>> ' 'IFT-NACHWEIS-EN674 + ISO 19916-1-S1.10 (DLD)', 'Name' => 'IFT-NACHWEIS-EN674-ISO-ISO-ISO-ISO-19916-1-S1-10-Dld', 'Status' => 'Inherit', 'Uploaded_to' => 5640, "Date" Date 'Modified' => '2025-03-25 11:09:47', 'Menu_order' => 0, 'Mime_Type' => 'Application/PDF', 'Type' => 'Application', 'SubType' => 'PDF', 'Icon' =>>> '',), 'Icon' => ''<i class="far fa-file-pdf" aria-hidden="true"></i> ',), 2 => Array (' File '=> Array (' ID '=> 56822,' ID '=> 56822,' Title '=>' Evidence of Performance U-Value-Bengglas Double Coated ',' Filename '=>' IFT-NACHWEISD-EN674-ie ',-and-and-and-and-d.p.feis-en674 'Filesize' => 150830, 'URL' => ' -ie-19916-1d80-dld.pdf', 'Link' =>> '', 'alt' => '', 'Author' => '16', 'description' => 'Itht-nachweis-', ',', 19916-1 'ift-Nachweis - EN674 + ISO 19916-1 - D80 (DLD)', 'name' => 'ift-nachweis-en674-iso-19916-1-d80-dld', 'status' => 'inherit', 'uploaded_to' => 5640, 'date' => '2025-03-25 11:09:57', 'modified' => '2025-03-25 11:10:20', 'Menu_order' => 0, 'Mime_Type' => 'Application/PDF', 'Type' => 'Application', 'SubType' => 'PDF', 'Icon' => 'https//wgdude ), 'Icon' => '',), 3 => Array ('File' => Array ('ID' => 56823, 'ID' => 56823, 'title' => 'evidence of performance U -value - Bengglas triple coated', 'filename' =>>> 'IFT-NACHWEIS-EN674-ISO-19916-1-S70-Dld.pdf', 'FILESIZE' => 145997, 'Url' => ' " => '', 'alt' => '', 'Author' => '16', 'Description' => 'IFT-NACHWEIS-EN64 + Iso 19916-1 'ift-Nachweis - EN674 + ISO 19916-1 - S70 (DLD)', 'name' => 'ift-nachweis-en674-iso-19916-1-s70-dld', 'status' => 'inherit', 'uploaded_to' => 5640, 'date' => '2025-03-25 11:10:38', 'modified' => '2025-03-25 11:10:55', 'Menu_order' => 0, 'Mime_Type' => 'Application/PDF', 'Type' => 'Application', 'SubType' => 'PDF', 'Icon' => 'https//wgdude', ), 'Icon' => '',), 4 => Array ('File' => Array ('ID' => 554, 'ID' => 554, 'Title' => 'Evidence or Performance: sound value', 'Filename' => 'sound value-certificate-benglas.pdf' " '', 'link' => '' ',' Alt '=>', ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' => ',' ',' => ',' => ',' => ',' => ',' => ',' => ',' => ',' => '=>' => '=>' => '=>' => '=>' => '=>' => '=>'> '=>' => '= Perstions team or Pers champion. Geluidswaarde', 'caption' => 'Evidence of Performance: Geluidswaarde', 'name' => 'geluidswaarde-certificaat-bengglas', 'status' => 'inherit', 'uploaded_to' => 355, 'date' => '2021-08-16 07:36:04', 'modified' => '2024-08-19 13:53:57', 'Menu_order' => 0, 'Mime_Type' => 'Application/PDF', 'Type' => 'Application', 'Subtype' => 'PDF', 'Icon' => '',),),),)<i class="far fa-file-pdf" aria-hidden="true"></i> ',),),), 1 => Array (' title '=>' ',' Downloads_list '=> Array (0 => Array (' File '=> Array (' ID '=> 5748,' Id '=> 5748,' Title '=>' Exclusiveness-Landbecal ',' Filentameamame, 'Filentameamame' Filentameamame 'filesize' => 417492, 'url' => '', 'link' => '', 'alt' => '', 'author' => '9', 'description' => 'Exclusiviteitsverklaring ', 'caption' => 'Exclusiviteitsverklaring ', 'name' => 'declaration-landvac-1', 'status' => 'inherit', 'uploaded_to' => 5640, 'date' => '2023-11-30 11:06:47', 'modified' => '2024-08-19 13:50:54', 'Menu_order' => 0, 'Mime_Type' => 'Application/PDF', 'Type' => 'Application', 'Subtype' => 'PDF', 'Icon' => 'https//wgdude ), 'Icon' => '<i class="far fa-file-pdf" aria-hidden="true"></i> ',), 1 => Array (' File '=> Array (' ID '=> 15051,' ID '=> 15051,' Title '=>' BCRG explanation Bengglas', 'Filename' => 'BCRG statement-Benglas.jpg', 'Filesize' =>>>> '', 'link' => ',', =>> '=>>' =>>> '>'> '=>>>>>'>> '>' =>>>>>> '>' =>>>> '> '9', 'description' => 'BCRG verklaring BENGglas', 'caption' => 'BCRG verklaring BENGglas', 'name' => 'bcrg-verklaring-bengglas-3', 'status' => 'inherit', 'uploaded_to' => 5640, 'date' => '2024-03-01 09:29:08', 'modified' => '2024-03-01 09:29:13', 'Menu_order' => 0, 'Mime_Type' => 'Image/JPEG', 'Type' => 'Image', 'Subtype' => '' JPEG ',' Icon '=>' https 'Width' => 480, 'Height' => 689, 'Sizes' => Array ('thumbnail' => '' ',', ',', ',', ',', ',', ',', 'thumbnail-height' => 150, 'medium' => '', 'Medium-width' => 480, 'Medium_lar-height' =>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 689 =>>>>>>>>> 689 =>>>>>> 689 =>>>> 689 =>> 689 => '', 'Medium_Large-width' => 480, 'Medium_Large-Height' => 689, 'Large' =>>> '', 'Large-Width' => 480, 'Large-Height' => 689, 'Tiny' =>> '', 'Tiny-Width' => 384, 'Tiny-height' => 551, 'Extra-small' =>>> '', 'Extra-SMALL-WIDTH' => 'Extra-Small-Height' => 689, 'Small' => '', 'Small-Width' => 480, 'Small-Height' => 689, 'Applications' =>>>> '', 'Applications-width' => 480, 'Applications-height' => 402, 'OTHER-LOGO' =>>> '', 'Other-Logo-Width' => 38, 'Other-Logo-Height' => 55, 'Extra-Large' =>> '', 'Extra-Large-width' => 480, 'Extra-Large-Height' => 689, 'Huge' =>> '', 'huge-width' => 480, 'huge-height' => 689,),), 'Icon' => ''<i class="far fa-file-pdf" aria-hidden="true"></i> ',), 2 => Array (' file '=> false,' icon '=>'<i class="far fa-file-pdf" aria-hidden="true"></i> ',),)),), 2 => Array (' Title '=>' ',' Downloads_list '=> Array (0 => Array (' File '=> Array (' Id '=> 1733,' Id '=> 1733,' Title '=>' Harding report ',' Filename-Report-Report-Report-Report-Report-Report-Report-Report-Report-Report-Report-Report-Report-Report-Report-Report-Report-Report-Report-Report-Report-Report-Report-Report-Report-Report-Report-Report-Report 241962, 'URL' => '', 'link', => '', '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' report ',' '' '' '' '' ',' '' '' '' '' '', '' '' '', '' ',' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' ',' '', '' '' '' '', '' '', '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' ',' '' '' ',' '' ',' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' report '"' '', ' 'description' => '', 'Caption' => '', 'Name' => '' Hardings report-Bengglas-2-2-2 ',' Status '=>' Inherit ',' uploaded_to '=> 5640,' Date '=>' 2021-08-16 07:36:05 ',' Moderd '"" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" NADIED "' 'Mime_Type' => 'Application/PDF', 'Type' => 'Application', 'SubType' => 'PDF', 'icon' => ''), '")<i class="far fa-file-pdf" aria-hidden="true"></i> ',),),),)

Technical drawing

Array (0 => Array ('Title' => '', 'Downloads_list' => Array (0 => Array ('File' => Array ('ID' => 40443, 'ID' => 40443, 'Title' => 'Technical drawing', 'Filename-Max_Ox_Sola-Mix-Solar " => 225785, 'url' => '', 'link' => '', 'alt' => '', 'Author' => '16', 'Description' => '', 'Caption' => '', 'Name' => 'Technical-Max_Clear_Solar', 'Status' => 'Inherit', 'Uploaded_to' => 5640, 'Date' => '''d 'Menu_order' => 0, 'Mime_Type' => 'Application/PDF', 'Type' => 'Application', 'Subtype' => 'Pdf', 'Icon' => '', ",,,, ,y," ,,,, " => '<i class="far fa-file-pdf" aria-hidden="true"></i> ',),),),)


Array (0 => Array ('Title' => '', 'Downloads_list' => Array (0 => Array ('File' => Array ('ID' => 56841, 'ID' => 56841, 'Title' => 'NL', 'Filename-LR-LLZze-LR-LLZze-Lr => 4202924, 'URL' => '' ',' Link '=>' ',',, 'Author' => '16', 'Description' => '', 'Caption' => '', 'Name' => '' Bengglas-Brochure-NL-LR-2 ',' Status' => 'Inherit', 'Uploaded_to' => 5640, 'Date' => '' 202-25 ',''ied'. 09:36:55 ',' Menu_order '=> 0,' Mime_Type '=>' Application/PDF ',' Type '=>' Application ',' SubType '=>' PDF ',' icon '=>' ', Biguduuds/images/images => '<i class="far fa-file-pdf" aria-hidden="true"></i> ,), 1 => Array ('File' => Array ('ID' => 56842, 'ID' => 56842, 'Title' => 'Fr', 'Filename' => 'Bengglas-Brochure-FR-LR-1.pdf', 'Filesize' => 4389498, '>>> ' 1.pdf', 'link' => '', ',', ',', ',', ',', ',', ',' = ',', ',', ',', '=', '=' = ',' 'Description' => '', 'Caption' => '', 'Name' => 'Bengglas-Brochure-fr-LR-2', 'Status' =>' Inherit ',' uploaded_to '=> 5640,' Date '=>' 2025-03-26 09-26:12 ":39 " 'Menu_order' => 0, 'Mime_Type' => 'Application/PDF', 'Type' => 'Application', 'Subtype' => 'PDF', 'Icon' => '',),),),)<i class="far fa-file-pdf" aria-hidden="true"></i> ,), 2 => Array ('File' => Array ('ID' => 56843, 'ID' => 56843, 'Title' => ',' Filename '=>' Bengglas-Brochure-and-LR-13pdf ',' Filesize '=> 4159928,' ' 1.pdf', 'link' => ',', ',', ',', ',', ',', ',', ',', ',', ',', ',', '=', '=', '=', '=' = '=', ' 'description' => '', 'Caption' => '', 'Name' => 'Bengglas-Brochure-en-LR-2', 'Status' => 'Inherit', 'uploaded_to' => 5640, 'Date' => '2025-03-26 09:33:18', 'modified' 'Menu_order' => 0, 'Mime_Type' => 'Application/PDF', 'Type' => 'Application', 'Subtype' => 'PDF', 'Icon' => '',),),),)<i class="far fa-file-pdf" aria-hidden="true"></i> ,),),), 1 => Array ('title' => '', 'Downloads_list' => Array (0 => Array ('File' => Array ('ID' => 56845, 'ID' => 56845, 'Title' => 'de', philename '"," 'filesize' => 4307552, 'url' => '', 'link' => '', 'alt' => '', 'author' => '16', 'description' => '', 'caption' => '', 'name' => 'bengglas-brochure-de-lr', 'status' => 'inherit', 'uploaded_to' => 5640, 'date' => '2025-03-26 09:35:06', 'modified' => '2025-03-26 09:35:10', 'Menu_order' => 0, 'Mime_Type' => 'Application/PDF', 'Type' => 'Application', 'SubType' => 'PDF', 'Icon' =>> '',), 'Icon' => ''<i class="far fa-file-pdf" aria-hidden="true"></i> ,), 1 => Array ('File' => Array ('ID' => 56844, 'ID' => 56844, 'Title' => 'dk', 'Filename' => 'Bengglas-Brochure-dk-LR-1.pdf', 'Filesize' => 223299, '> ' 1.pdf', 'link' => '', '=', ',', " 'Description' => '', 'Caption' => '', 'Name' => 'Bengglas-Brochure-DK-LR-2', 'Status' => 'Inherit', 'uploaded_to' => 5640, 'Date' => '2025-03-26 09-03:57', 'modified' 'Menu_order' => 0, 'Mime_Type' => 'Application/PDF', 'Type' => 'Application', 'Subtype' => 'PDF', 'Icon' => '',),),),)<i class="far fa-file-pdf" aria-hidden="true"></i> ',),),),)


array ( 0 => array ( 'title' => '', 'downloads_list' => array ( 0 => array ( 'file' => array ( 'ID' => 3253, 'id' => 3253, 'title ' => 'EIA - Energy List 2023', 'filename' => 'Brochure-EIA-Energielijst2023.pdf', 'filesize' => 884686, 'url' => ' uploads/2023/03/Brochure-EIA-Energielijst2023.pdf', 'link' => '', 'alt' => '', 'author' => '9 ', 'description' => 'EIA - Energy List 2023', 'caption' => 'EIA - Energy List 2023', 'name' => 'brochure-eia-energielijst2023-2-2', 'status' => 'inherit ', 'uploaded_to' => 2139, 'date' => '2023-03-30 07:33:46', 'modified' => '2024-08-19 13:56:19', 'menu_order' => 0, 'mime_type' => 'application/pdf', 'type' => 'application', 'subtype' => 'pdf', 'icon' => ' /media/document.png', ), 'icon' => '<i class="far fa-file-pdf" aria-hidden="true"></i> ', ), ), ), 1 => array ( 'title' => '', 'downloads_list' => array ( 0 => array ( 'file' => array ( 'ID' => 3254, 'id' => 3254, 'title' => 'ISDE subsidy code', 'filename' => 'ISDE-measures-list-vacuumglas-2023.pdf', 'filesize' => 223803, 'url' => 'https://bengglas. nl/wp-content/uploads/2023/03/ISDE-measureslist-vacuumglas-2023.pdf', 'link' => '', 'alt' => '' , 'author' => '9', 'description' => 'ISDE subsidy code', 'caption' => 'ISDE subsidy code', 'name' => 'isde-measures-list-vacuum-glass-2023', 'status' => 'inherit', 'uploaded_to' => 355, 'date' => '2023-03-30 07:48:16', 'modified' => '2024-08-19 13:57:14', 'menu_order' => 0, 'mime_type' => 'application/pdf', 'type' => 'application', 'subtype' => 'pdf', 'icon' => ' /images/media/document.png', ), 'icon' => '<i class="far fa-file-pdf" aria-hidden="true"></i> ', ), ), ), )


array ( 0 => array ( 'title' => '', 'downloads_list' => array ( 0 => array ( 'file' => array ( 'ID' => 56813, 'id' => 56813, 'title' => 'NL', 'filename' => 'Garantievoorwaarden-en-plaatsingsvoorschriften_Jan2024.pdf', 'FILESIZE' => 430978, 'URL' => ' REFECTS_JAN2024.PDF', 'Link' =>>>> '', 'alt' => '', 'Author' => '16', 'Description' => ',' Caption '=>' ',' Name '=>' '' '', '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '', '' '', '' '' ',' ',' ',' '' '' ‘'’' "'ignoring porters-en-en-en-en-en-en-en 'inherit', 'uploaded_to' => 5640, 'date' => '2025-03-25 11:03:00', 'modified' => '2025-03-25 11:03:04', 'menu_order' => 0, 'mime_type' => 'application/pdf', 'type' => 'application', 'subtype' => 'PDF', 'Icon' => '',), 'Icon' => ''<i class="far fa-file-pdf" aria-hidden="true"></i> ',), 1 => Array (' File '=> Array (' ID '=> 56808,' ID '=> 56808,' title '=>' the ',' filename '=>' Guaranteeing all-assemblies_jan20244.pdf ',' FilesiZe '=>>> =>> =>>> =>>>>>>>>>>>>> Filesize' =>>>>>>>> Filesize '=>>>>>> 434687,' =>> 4346875 '', 'link' => '', 'alt' => '', 'Author' => '16', 'Description' => '', 'Caption' => '', 'Name' => '' Guarantee-unit-undestageanweisungen_jan2024-5 ',' Status' => 'Inherit', 'Uploaded_to' => 5640, 'Date' 'Date' 'Date' 'Date' 'Date' 'Date' 'Date', Date ', Date', Dates' 'Date', 'Date', 'Date', 'Date', 'Date', 'Date', 'Date', 'Date' '' '' Date '' '' '' '' '' '' '' Date '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' ' 'Modified' => '2025-03-20 15:50:22', 'Menu_order' => 0, 'Mime_Type' => 'Application/PDF', 'Type' => 'Application', 'SubType' => 'PDF', 'Icon' =>> '',), 'Icon' => ''<i class="far fa-file-pdf" aria-hidden="true"></i> ,),),), 1 => Array ('Title' => '', 'Downloads_list' => Array (0 => Array ('File' => Array ('ID' => 56809, 'ID' => 56809, 'Title' => 'and', 'filename' => 'Warranty-Conditions-And-Installation-instructions-Jan2024.pdf', 'FILESIZE' => 427330, 'Url' => ' structure-and-and-and-and-and-and-and-and-and-and-and-and-and-and-and-and-and-and-and-and-and-and-and-and-and-and-and-and-and-and-and-and-and-and-and-and-and-and-and ' jan2024-5/', 'Alt' => ',' Author '=>' 16 ',' Description '=>', 'Caption' => ',' Name '=>>> 'Warranty-conditions-and-Installation-instructions-Jan2024-5', 'Status' =>' Inherit ',' Uploaded_to '=> 5640,' Date '=>' 2025-03-20 15:50:29 ',' Modified '=>' 202-03-20 ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',', '', ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' '' Application/PDF ',' Type '=>' Application ',' SubType '=>' PDF ',' Icon '=>' ',),' Icon '=>'<i class="far fa-file-pdf" aria-hidden="true"></i> ',), 1 => Array (' File '=> Array (' ID '=> 56810,' ID '=> 56810,' Title '=>' FR ',' Filename '=>' Conditions-the-guarantee-it-in-instructions-the-mise-en-oeuvre -_jan20244.pdf ',', ',', ',', ',', ',', ',', ',', ',' ',', ',', ',', ','pdf '', 'Link' =>>>> '', 'alt' => ',' Author '=>' 16 ',' Description '=>', 'Caption' =>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 'Conditions-de-Get-UT-in-instructions-de-Mise-en-Oeuvre -_jan2024-5', 'Status' => 'Inherit', 'Uploaded_to' => 5640, 'Date' => '2025-03-20 15:50:44', 'Modified' =>:,,,,,,, and and the age of 03-20, ",,,,,,, and and,,,,,,,,, and; 'Mime_Type' => 'Application/PDF', 'Type' => 'Application', 'SubType' => 'Pdf', 'Icon' => ''), 'ICON'<i class="far fa-file-pdf" aria-hidden="true"></i> ',),),),)


Array (0 => Array ('Title' => '', 'Downloads_list' => Array (0 => Array ('File' => Array ('ID' => 56860, 'ID' => 56860, 'Title' => '' Benggglas-Formruiten-LREN. 'FILESIZE' => 1850733, 'URL' => '', 'Link' => ' 'author' => '16', 'description' => '', 'caption' => '', 'name' => 'bengglas-vormruiten-lr', 'status' => 'inherit', 'uploaded_to' => 5640, 'date' => '2025-03-27 15:25:19', 'modified' => '2025-03-27 'Menu_order' => 0, 'Mime_Type' => '' Application/PDF ',' Type '=>' Application ',' Subtype '=>' Pdf ',' Icon '=>' 'immages/images' ,,,, ",,,," => '<i class="far fa-file-pdf" aria-hidden="true"></i> ,),),), 1 => Array ('title' => '', 'Downloads_list' => Array (0 => Array ('File' => Array ('ID' => 56541, 'ID' => 56541, 'Title' => 'General conditions -', ',', ',' 'General-Conditions- '', 'alt' => ',' Author '=>' 16 ',' description '=>', 'Caption' => ',' Name '=>' 'general-conditions' =>', -b-v-v 'Uploaded_to' => 5640, 'Date' => '2025-01-23 11:14:26', 'Modified' => '' 2025-01-23 11:14:26 ',' Menu_order '=> 0,' Mime_Type '=>' 'Application/PDFE', '"" "Fit", " 'icon' => '',), 'Icon' => ''<i class="far fa-file-pdf" aria-hidden="true"></i> ',), 1 => Array (' File '=> Array (' ID '=> 56542,' ID '=> 56542,' Title '=>' General Conditions Bengglas BV ',' Filename '=>' General-conditions-Benglas-B.V_en.pdf ',' FilesiSe '=>' FilesiSe '=>' FilesiSe '=>>' FilesiSe '=>' FilesiSe '=>' Filesize '=>>' Filesize '=>>' Filesize '=>>' Filesize '=>>' Filesize '=>>' Filesize '=>> Filesize' =>>> '', 'link' => ' 'description' => '', 'Caption' => '', 'Name' => 'General-conditions-Beng glass-V_en', 'Status' => 'Inherit', 'uploaded_to' => 5640, 'Date' => '2025-01-23 11:14:40', '"'" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "'"' "'"' "'"' => 0, 'Mime_Type' => 'Application/PDF', 'Type' => 'Application', 'Subtype' => 'PDF', 'Icon' => '',)))))

Technical sheet

Array (0 => Array ('Title' => '', 'Downloads_list' => Array (0 => Array ('File' => Array ('ID' => 56818, 'ID' => 56818, 'Title' => 'Bengglas Extra -Technical' =>> ',' 'Bengglas-EXTRA-Technisch-Fische.pdf', 'FILESIZE' => 1149447, 'URL' => '', 'LINK' => '', 'Alt' => '', 'Author' => '16', 'Description' => ',' Caption '=>', 'Name' => '' Bengglas' Extraar-Tech 'Uploaded_to' => 5640, 'Date' => '2025-03-25 11:04:54', 'Modified' => '2025-03-25 11:04:54', 'Menu_order' => 0, 'Mime_Type' => 'Application/Pdfe', '' Pdfe ',' ',' ',', '', ',' ',' "," "Fyp", "" "" Fypacy ", 'icon' => '',), 'Icon' => ''<i class="far fa-file-pdf" aria-hidden="true"></i> ',), 1 => Array (' File '=> Array (' ID '=> 56814,' ID '=> 56814,' Title '=>' Bengglas Single Coated-Technical Fische ',' Filename '=>' Bengglas-Single-Coated-Technisch.Pdf ',', " => '', 'link' => '', 'alt' => '', 'author' => '16', 'Description' => '', 'Caption' => '', 'Name' => 'Bengglas-Single-Coated-Technical-Fische', 'Status' =>' Inherit ',' Uploaded_to '=> 5640,' Date '=>' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '"'" '"' '' '' '' '' '' '"' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '''d Ast 11:04:52 ',' Menu_order '=> 0,' Mime_Type '=>' Application/PDF ',' Type '=>' Application ',' SubType '=>' PDF ',' Icon '=>' 'immages/, ",,,," ,,,, ",,",, ",,",, ",,,",, ",," ,,,, ",," ,,, ,,, ,y,, ,,, ,,, ,y, ,,, ,,, ,y, ,,, ,,, ,y,, ,,, ,,, ,,, ,,, ,y' ,,, ,,, ,,, ,,, ,,, ,,, ,,, ,,,,,,budude ',', ”,.bec => '<i class="far fa-file-pdf" aria-hidden="true"></i> ',), 2 => Array (' File '=> Array (' ID '=> 56817,' ID '=> 56817,' Title '=>' Bengglas Double Coated-Technical Fische ',' Filename '=>' Bengglas-Double-Coated-Technisch.pdf => '' ',' Link '=>' 'al', ', "- 'author' => '16', 'description' => '', 'caption' => '', 'name' => 'bengglas-double-coated-technisch-fische', 'status' => 'inherit', 'uploaded_to' => 5640, 'date' => '2025-03-25 11:04:53', 'modified' => '2025-03-25 11:04:53', 'Menu_order' => 0, 'Mime_Type' => 'Application/PDF', 'Type' => 'Application', 'SubType' => 'PDF', 'Icon' => 'https//wgdude', ), 'Icon' => '<i class="far fa-file-pdf" aria-hidden="true"></i> ,),),), 1 => Array ('title' => '', 'Downloads_list' => Array (0 => Array ('File' => Array ('ID' => 56816, 'ID' => 56816, 'Title' => 'Benglas triple', '=>>,' =>>, ',', '=>>,' =>>, '=>>,', ',', ',', ',', '=>> =>> =>> =>> =>> =>> =>> =>> =>> =>> =>>>> 'Bengglas-Triple-Coated-technisch-fische.pdf', 'FILESIZE' => 1104378, 'URL' => ' '', 'Alt' => '', 'Author' => '16', 'Description' => ',' Caption '=>' ',' Name '=>' 'Benglas-tripple-FIPPERPET-TECT-FECTERSE 'inherit', 'uploaded_to' => 5640, 'Date' => '2025-03-25 11:04:53', 'Modified' => '2025-03-25 11:04:53', 'Menu_order' => 0, 'Mime_Type' => 'Application/' ",", ", 'PDF', 'Icon' => '',), 'Icon' => '',), 1 => Array ('File' => array ('Id' => 56815, '' blanket '=' 'blanket' = '' blanket '=' 'blanket' = '' blanket '=' 'blanket' = '' blanket '='> 'blanket' = '>' blanket '='> 'blanket' = '>' blank. Control-Technical Fische ',' Filename '=>' Bengglas-Solar-Control-Technisch-Fische.pdf ',' FILESIZE '=> 1032791,' URL '=>' => '', 'Alt' => '', 'Author' => '16', 'Description' => ',' Caption '=>' ',' Name '=>' ',', Solar-Technical 'uploaded_to' => 5640, 'Date' => '2025-03-25 11:04:52', 'Modified' => '2025-03-25 11:04:52', 'Menu_order' => 0, 'Mime_Type' => 'Application/PDFE', '"" "Fit", 'icon' => '',), 'Icon' => '',),),),)


array ( 0 => array ( 'title' => '', 'downloads_list' => array ( 0 => array ( 'file' => array ( 'ID' => 22321, 'id' => 22321, 'title ' => 'Explanation NPR 3577', 'filename' => 'Uitleg-NPR-3577.pdf', 'filesize' => 143572, 'url' => ' /2024/04/Uitleg-NPR-3577.pdf', 'link' => '', 'alt' => '', 'author' => '9', 'description' => 'Explanation NPR 3577', 'caption' => 'Explanation NPR 3577', 'name' => 'explanation-npr-3577', 'status' => ' inherit', 'uploaded_to' => 5640, 'date' => '2024-04-15 12:34:22', 'modified' => '2024-08-19 13:43:16', 'menu_order' = > 0, 'mime_type' => 'application/pdf', 'type' => 'application', 'subtype' => 'pdf', 'icon' => ' images/media/document.png', ), 'icon' => '<i class="far fa-file-pdf" aria-hidden="true"></i> ', ), 1 => array ( 'file' => array ( 'ID' => 22317, 'id' => 22317, 'title' => 'Explanation NEN 3569', 'filename' => 'Explanation-on -NEN-3569_2018.pdf', 'filesize' => 539649, 'url' => '', 'link' => '', 'alt' => '', 'author' => '9', 'description' => 'Explanation NEN 3569', 'caption' => 'Explanation NEN 3569', 'name' => 'explanation-on-nen-3569_2018', 'status' => 'inherit', 'uploaded_to' => 5640, 'date' => '2024-04-15 12:29:38', 'modified' => '2024-08-19 13:43:52', 'menu_order' => 0, 'mime_type' => 'application /pdf', 'type' => 'application', 'subtype' => 'pdf', 'icon' => '', ) , 'icon' => '<i class="far fa-file-pdf" aria-hidden="true"></i> ', ), 2 => array ( 'file' => array ( 'ID' => 22318, 'id' => 22318, 'title' => 'Infosheet NEN 2608', 'filename' => 'Infosheet-NEN -2608.pdf', 'filesize' => 1060019, 'url' => '', 'link' = > '', 'alt' => '', 'author' => '9', 'description' => 'Infosheet NEN 2608 ', 'caption' => 'Infosheet NEN 2608', 'name' => 'infosheet-nen-2608', 'status' => 'inherit', 'uploaded_to' => 5640, 'date' => '2024- 04-15 12:30:21', 'modified' => '2024-04-15 12:30:25', 'menu_order' => 0, 'mime_type' => 'application/pdf', 'type' = > 'application', 'subtype' => 'pdf', 'icon' => '', ), 'icon' => '<i class="far fa-file-pdf" aria-hidden="true"></i> ', ), ), ), 1 => array ( 'title' => '', 'downloads_list' => array ( 0 => array ( 'file' => array ( 'ID' => 22320, 'id' => 22320, 'title' => 'Wind load glazing tables', 'filename' => 'Wind load glazing tables.pdf', 'filesize' => 3560249, 'url' => ' uploads/2024/04/Windlastbeglazingstabanen.pdf', 'link' => '', 'alt' => '', 'author' => '9 ', 'description' => 'Wind load glazing tables', 'caption' => 'Wind load glazing tables', 'name' => 'wind load glazing tables', 'status' => 'inherit', 'uploaded_to' => 5640, 'date' => '2024-04-15 12:33:39', 'modified' => '2024-08-19 13:44:01', 'menu_order' => 0, 'mime_type' => 'application/pdf' , 'type' => 'application', 'subtype' => 'pdf', 'icon' => '', ), 'icon ' => '<i class="far fa-file-pdf" aria-hidden="true"></i> ', ), 1 => array ( 'file' => array ( 'ID' => 22319, 'id' => 22319, 'title' => 'Transfer-resistant glazing tables', 'filename' => 'Trans-fall-resistant-glazing-tables- 2019-OnderhoudNL-Glas.pdf', 'filesize' => 1108993, 'url' => ' pdf', 'link' => '', 'alt' => '', 'author' => '9 ', 'description' => 'Transference-resistant glazing tables', 'caption' => 'Trans-fall-resistant glazing tables', 'name' => 'fall-resistant-glazing tables-2019-maintenancenl-glas', 'status' => 'inherit', 'uploaded_to ' => 5640, 'date' => '2024-04-15 12:31:44', 'modified' => '2024-08-19 13:44:07', 'menu_order' => 0, 'mime_type ' => 'application/pdf', 'type' => 'application', 'subtype' => 'pdf', 'icon' => ' .png', ), 'icon' => '<i class="far fa-file-pdf" aria-hidden="true"></i> ', ), ), ), )